Sunday, April 26, 2020

Azuresun - Sleeping Chills 4 Constant Dreams

For your extended relaxing times, your badass d.m.t. trips or your long restful nights:

"Sleeping Chills 4 Constant Dreams" is a relaxin' oneironautic music anthology containing the complete "soundsleepers" collection, both "moonbreeze" and "windose" EPs, along with a few extra chill tunes from azuresun's catalogue.

Chillax everyone, and be safe! (and sound)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Azuresun - EBM (Exclusive Album Preview)

"EBM represents the hectic, subsonic way of life, the passion for the neon trances and the worship of the midnight suns; (metaphorically and physically)

EBM incorporates the process of feeling the music in a deeper, organic, often devotional way, without any dimensional nor temporal boundaries..."

Soon available: