Thursday, April 25, 2019

Azuresun - Luminous Play (2019)

"A stereonautic journey between darkness and light, space and time, aboard a starship full of cosmic babes from planet Lāzulum..."


Monday, April 22, 2019

azuresun - soak up the sky (2007-2012)

Azuresun - Soundsleepers (2019)

Azuresun - Ecstatic Play (A Surrealistic Homage to Delia Derbyshire & Elsa Stansfield)

Generated and inspired from the Circle of light Soundtrack, originally recorded by Delia Derbyshire & Elsa Stanfield in 1972 for an experimental movie created by Anthony Roland and Pamela Bone.

Ecstatic Play captures the organic, super-natural essence of 
the Circle of Light soundtrack, expanding the great outdoors soundscapes
and deepening its never ending lush textures,
providing a primitive oneironautic experience to the listener.

I hope you'll enjoy this stereorganic journey...

Blessed be Delia!